The Setting
The memories are a race of cosmic beings that waged war with each other and broke time.
There was originally one original timeline, but the war created an infinite amount of them.
The reason for that is that the war deleted the existence of whomever became a casualty.
In the new universe The memories are reborn as human beings, which reawaken each other
through time paradoxes and depend on “hosts” to prevent another catastrophic event.
Hosts serve to link all of the holes in time to prevent it from breaking again.
Each part in the comic talks about a different reawakening and the remembrance
of the former timeline.
There was originally one original timeline, but the war created an infinite amount of them.
The reason for that is that the war deleted the existence of whomever became a casualty.
In the new universe The memories are reborn as human beings, which reawaken each other
through time paradoxes and depend on “hosts” to prevent another catastrophic event.
Hosts serve to link all of the holes in time to prevent it from breaking again.
Each part in the comic talks about a different reawakening and the remembrance
of the former timeline.
Where can I read the comic?
The comic is not yet available, but will be hosted on an independent hosting platforms such as COMICFURY and WEBTOON™ for mobile users.